Before The Chaos (11/18)

3 minutes to dominate your week

Good morning from close friends Brett Hobbs and Michael Barone. We are here every Monday morning to help prepare you Before The Chaos!

Face your fears.

We all experience fear in some capacity. Maybe it’s fear that people perceive us the wrong way, fear that whatever we’re pursuing may not work out, or fear that we’re going to lose someone or something that means everything to us.

Fear can often times be overwhelming or even irrational in some situations, preventing us from achieving our goals or living our lives to the fullest. But how do we overcome it?

We need to understand the fears we have at their core and confront them from within, giving the power back to ourselves. Attack it. Challenge it head-on. Do we want to live in a life of fear, constantly holding ourselves back?


“What is something I fear and why have I not confronted it?”

“What is a step I can take today that will allow me to take control of my fears?”

Your Weekly Healthy Habit

Before you go to bed each night, think of 2 things you are thankful for.

One Achievable Goal

Set one goal that must be completed before week’s end.

Ours is to complete a task we have been procrastinating on.


Psalm 56:3

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”


You are good enough. You are strong enough to move forward. Don’t let anything hold you back. You are capable of extraordinary things. We care about you.

Have a blessed day,

Brett & Michael