Before The Chaos (12/2)

3 minutes to dominate your week

Happy December and good morning from close friends Brett Hobbs and Michael Barone. We are here every Monday morning to help prepare you Before The Chaos!

Find a balance.

Finding a balance between work, personal-life, and self-care is extremely important.

Life circumstances are always changing, and finding/maintaining balance is an ongoing process that requires continuous efforts and adjustments as these circumstances change. We all have days where our work feels over-demanding and wears us down, or we are hyper-focused on one relationship or one thing and it starts to drain our energy. But how do we make adjustments internally to address this and take the time to focus on ourselves?

A balanced lifestyle can lead to extraordinary things: healthier relationships, better mental health, superior productivity, and most importantly a better quality of life!


“How am I dividing up my time between work, relationships, personal care, and leisure?

“How often do I engage in activities purely for enjoyment and relaxation?”

Your Weekly Healthy Habit

Set aside dedicated time each day for personal enjoyment and relaxation.

One Achievable Goal

Set one goal that must be completed before week’s end.

Ours is to go on a run at least 2 times this week.


Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”


It is the last month of 2024. Don’t wait until January 1st to set new goals for yourself. It’s coming sooner than you think.. Take action now and watch as you become the best version of yourself. You got this.

Have a blessed day,

Brett & Michael