Before The Chaos (2/3)

3 minutes to dominate your week

Good morning from close friends Brett Hobbs and Michael Barone. We are here every Monday morning to help prepare you Before The Chaos!

Our hearts are with the victims and the families involved in the horrific American Airlines plane crash.

Move fast and break things.

Life is long, but time flies by.

Constantly waiting around to start something because you believe you are too unintelligent to succeed is the biggest obstacle to your growth and success. Many of us spend our entire lives too afraid to break anything without realizing that no one would learn to fix anything if it were not broken in the first place! By moving fast, we break things; by breaking things, we fix them, and by fixing them, we learn.

The longer a lion is in a cage, the fewer chances it has of surviving in the wild.


“When in the past did I not attempt something because I didn’t think I was capable?”

“Where in my life can I achieve something great just by starting? Relationships, health, business etc.”

Your Weekly Healthy Habit

Spend 5 minutes stretching a day!

One Achievable Goal

Set one goal that must be completed before week’s end.

Call an old friend or family member this week to check in.


James 4:14

“Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.


Go for it! Today is the day. Take your shot. You will not regret it.

Kickstart your 2025 morning routine

Upgrade your day with award-winning DIRTEA Coffee Super Blend. For people seeking sharper focus, a calm mind, and lasting energy:

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Have a blessed day,

Brett & Michael